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Launch of Membership Drive 2021

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Longford Chamber of Commerce is delighted to launch its membership campaign for 2021. Joining the Chamber of Commerce has never been more vital for business owners and managers as they seek to navigate their way out of lockdown and drive their business forward in 2021. 

Founded in 1948, Longford Chamber remains the only business representative organisation affiliated to Chamber Ireland (recognised internationally) in Co. Longford.

With a newly elected President, Fiona Fenelon, and a new Chamber Council, the Chamber is the premier representative body for businesses in Longford to raise and champion their issues. The Chamber represents all types of businesses, from self-employed to multinationals, and full membership starts at just €100.

To support this year’s launch, Chamber have produced a Membership Prospectus, highlighting the work they do, and what Chamber delivers for business. In addition, we are launching Associate Membership, costing just €75 for those who want to be involved and support Chamber, but who may be retired or not currently active in business.

Chamber plays an important role in the economic development of Longford through its membership of important committees on policing, infrastructure and economic development. Longford Chamber led the campaign for the upgrade of the N4 from Mullingar to the Leitrim border. This project is now in route designation stage as you will know from billboards around Co. Longford.

Chamber also works closely with Michael Nevin and his team in the Local Enterprise Office to run events and training which provide the opportunity for business owners to upskill and use digital media to increase sales.

Business owners can find it tough to keep up to date with all the relevant changes in taxation, Health & Safety – Chamber through its newsletters and our social media channels keeps you up to date with the key changes you need to know about.

Commenting, Chamber President Fiona Fenelon said: ‘Business has endured its toughest 12 months since the 2008 recession. Now more than ever it is vital business issues and concerns are highlighted so that they can trade their way out of this difficult time. A strong Chamber will ensure these issues and concerns are heard at a local level, with local solutions in addition to central government supports. I would encourage all businesses to renew or join Chamber to ensure their voice is heard.’ To download the prospectus and to join Longford Chamber, simply go to www.longfordchamber.ie/membership or go to our Facebook or Twitter page, or email info@longfordchamber.ie